Parent Information
Practitioners must stimulate children’s interests
Responding to each child’s emerging need and guiding their development through warm, positive, interactions coupled with secure routines for play learning. (DFE, 2021p16)
We are aware that for many parents, this may be your first time embarking upon a play based teaching and learning experience. Parents please rest assured that we will walk by your side supporting you with seminars, conferences, articles. Books, videos and one to one consultations.
We believe play and learning have the same goals and outcomes, we adopt play and playful learning. In the words of the Playful Learning Centre “hands on minds on activities.”

We believe partnership with parents will ensure our children have the best possible learning and development experience. We believe the responsibility for caring and nurturing the pre-school child is the primary and God’s given responsibility of parents.
Therefore at the Lambs Christian School Nursery we:
See it as a privilege to support you and co-labour with you to fulfil your most important calling-To be a parent. With this paradigm and perspective it becomes clear, everyone in the community understands our partnership is not only valued but is our God given mandate.
“Can two walk together unless they agree?” (Amos 3:3)
Working in partnership with our parents is pivotal to the Early Years Foundation Stage. As soon as a child is admitted to the nursery we undertake an initial assessment to ascertain the child’s starting points. This assessment is undertaken with parents who are their child’s information holders and specialists.
From Summer 2023 we will share each topic we will be covering in nursery with a questionnaire to find out the knowledge, experience and exposure your child has before we start the topic. This will enable practitioners plan in a manner that will meet the needs of our children.
We ask that you send us pictures of your children out and about so that we can display them around the nursery as a lovely visual home nursery link for the children.
We value all contributions from our parents. Special talks to our children during careers week for example. We have had parents speak on a range of varied and interesting professions.
Please share your thoughts and ideas with us. Contributions from our parents are encouraged. From September 2023 we aim to start our parent/ teachers Angels meetings.
All contributions from parents are encouraged and welcomed. Our parents are regarded as full valued partners in the community.
To support the partnership we will:
- Value and respect you
- Have termly progress meetings with you to update you on your child’s progress.
- Provide you with updated information on what we are doing in Nursery so that you are consulted, involved, and included in every way.
- From Summer 2023, we will transition from our current beautiful hand crafted and manually created learning Journeys to Tapestry Learning journals.
Tapestry Learning Journals
Tapestry is an online Learning Journal where we record all the learning and fun your child will have in our setting.

All children attending The Nursery will have a personal Learning Journal which records photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage, to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us. This is an exciting online Learning Journey to further support our links with parents and allow you access to the observations we undertake during sessions. You can receive an instant email notification to let you know a new entry has arrived for your child, Exciting times are ahead!
Tell us all you are doing with your children, teach us how to do something new. Working in partnership with our wonderful families, Benefits babies, children and adults too. We want you to know, that we really value you!