About Us
“Excellence in Christ one child at a time.”
Our aim is to do all we can to enable each and every child to experience all they can in each area of development, arousing their curiosity and intrinsic ideas and passion, to learn, discover and partake in new things. Our curriculum classroom is in class, outdoors, in Birmingham, outside Birmingham and beyond.
Our Pedagogy
At the Lambs Christian School Nurseries, our pedagogy means
“ Why we do what we do the way we do it ”
At the Lambs Christian School we see play as the primary vehicle from which children learn best. There are different types of Play which enable children to engage in new experiences and learn new things. Play also provides opportunities for children to consolidate previous learning.

In 2021
The department of education states:
“Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals, and solve problems” (DFE, 2021 p16)
Researchers and theorists from educators, brain science to psychology have consistently shown that pre-school children learn best through play. At the Lambs Christian School nursery we believe play is a God Given Gift to humanity.
We believe play is an effective teaching and learning medium because play is what children love doing and do naturally.
We are aware that parents are often sceptical about their children
“ playing all day long” We want to help you understand that your children are “learning through play all day” Play is actually a child’s work offering children opportunities to
- Learn and explore at their own pace
- Learn and develop leadership qualities of goal setting, making rules and assessing set targets alone and in groups.
- Design, invent and create consistent with their ideas internal designs and desires free of external pressures and stresses thus allowing brain development in the best possible and most conducive manner.
- Through play children feel in control and competent building confidence, resilience and self-esteem.
- Play provides children with opportunity to develop their self-regulation and executive function as discussed above.
- Provide parents and practitioners have first hand opportunities to observe children at their “highest level of competence”
- Gain first – hand experience of life by fostering their imagination.
- Partake in problem solving, critical thinking
- Advance and enhance their problem solving capability.
- Play provides the stimulation the brain needs for development, strengthening connections in the brain.
- Develop normally as it contributes to cognitive, physical, emotional, and social well-being of children
- Play is enjoyable and we adults can join in!
“Practitioners must stimulate children’s interests. Responding to each child’s emerging need and guiding their development through warm, positive, interactions coupled with secure routines for play learning.” (DFE, 2021p16)